my name is Siti Nur Fasihah binti Harun..."fasihah, sihah, seha, adeq ", tu sume my nick, free to call me watever u wanna call..^_^~~blog ni sesaje je utk mengisi mse dikala keboringan n meluahkan rase dikala kebuntuan... just a part of my life story...~~

Friday, April 29, 2011

-- lagu chumell n cute --

You can take my heart for a walk on the beach
You can take my heart for a little trip
You can take my heart very close to your heart
You can take my heart forever if you like

But not every heart belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be
I'm the one for you, You're the one for me
You love me as much as I do
When you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you so
Please come in
And you love me more and more
And my love grows up with you
And you kiss me more and more
And I kiss you, too
And I kiss you, too

If I take your heart, I will cherish it every day
If I take your heart, I will heal these old wounds
If I take your heart, it's to make it happy
If I take your heart, it's forever close to mine

But not every heart belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be
I'm the one for you, You're the one for me
You love me as much as I do
When you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you so
Please come in
And you love me more and more
And my love grows up with you
And you kiss me more and more
And I kiss you, too
And I kiss you, too

I don't care, I don't care
If I'm again carried away
If you swear, if you swear
To give me your heart in return
To give me your heart in return

I don't care, I don't care
If I'm again carried away
If you swear, if you swear
To give me your heart in return
To give me your heart in return

--But not every heart belongs to any other....will remember this...--

Monday, April 25, 2011

-- bagai dihiris2 hati nie -- =(

prnah rse x cmna ble hati dihiris2 ngan pisau??
sy pun x pernah gak, tp, cmtu la rse nyr ble saat mau berangkat dr kampung halaman ke tempat belajar...huhu
walaupun seminggu blik b'cuti, tp duk kt umah nyr, sekejap jer...coz, pergi ke perlis 3 hri, ade interview la ape la...
so, x dpt la menikmati sgt saat2 kt umah tersayang...
taw2 nyr,  bgon tdo td, dah nk kne kemas2 naek bas dtg ke johor balik...
alhamdulillah, dah selamat sampai.....^_^
tp, sepanjang mlm td n pg td, mmg perasaan x best...mkn pun, xbrape nk bley telan jer...
tp, xley tunjuk sgt muka b'emosi cmtu...nnti risau plak parents tgok...
sentiase rsa hati ni mcm dihiris2 setiap kali memikirkan utk tngglkan umah lagi...huhu
tp, nk wat mcm mana....p'juangan mesti diteruskan..............

--miss my family, home soooooooo much!!!!! --
:: jiwa kacau ::

Monday, April 11, 2011

sy sygkan kamu lagi....huhu

dah bersawang da web diari nih...haha
sebok sgt la kan...

sape yg sy syg tuh???ehehe
ni cite psl my watch jer...
plek sgt...wlpn ia hanya seutas jam tgn, tp seakan2 b'perasaan r plak...
al kesahnyr...
jam ni, jam cikai2 jer...RM10 bli kt bazar ramadhan alor star almost 2 years ago...
yg plek nyr, kalo sy ad bli je jam laen n krg sket gne 'dea', msti 'dea' wat hal...
mati la...stuck2 laa....
n kalo jam yg lg bru tu da rosak, n i'm stick to 'him', dea  tros okeyh jer...xdak nk mati ke, stuck ke, ape ke...
so, in this 2 years, mmg x bli jam laen la...setia dgn si 'dea' jer...=p
n now pun same...
birthday hr tu, my mum give me new watch...then, guess what'll happen?
slm 2 weeks gne jam bru, 'dea' wat hal...
mati n xley gne smpai hari nih...
haishh...plek btol...
ingt ade 2 jam, bley la gilir2 nk, jd cmni plak...

yang color silver tu yg sedang merajuk....
yang gold tu, jam baru...
byk bnde yg tersekat nk dikarangakn kt diari, dun have enough time...
kerje overload sesangat...
5 more assignmens need to be submitted in this week...pheww!!~
gud luck fasihah!!~~ ^_^

Saturday, April 2, 2011

4,6,8,10....herm~~ she is so "penjual ikan"..=(

da lme da x smpat nk update my on9 diary nih...
seriuosly soooooooo busy...
byk bnde nk tulis sbnrnyr...there'r so many things happen semenjak 2 menjak, xdak kesempatan nk mnype2 n singgah diary sendiri..huhu
so sad...

*ap kaitan ngan tittle kt ats tu??*
herm...cite nyr cmni...mlm semalm exam schedule da kluar..alhamdulillag, tgok, insyaALLAH xdak la heavy sgt...
ade gap2..ok laa...
first draft schedule

ok la kan, schedule cmni...coz all da subjects need to be read n memorized lots of things...
n there's one thing happened in class ptg td...kelas MPS 1053...
when our lecturer asked "anyone have problem abt the date, 29/04??"
n ad sorng "aci" ni gtaw dea ad problem..sbb nyr??
sbb nyr nk ke PHUCKET...
n ingatkan lecturer nk ignore n negotiate la ngan dea, coz dea sorng je yg b'masalah laen sume cm ok jer...
n x pasal2, wat undian utk dptkan new date..ade 2 pilihan tarikh...28th of april or 6th of may??
undi pnyr undi date change tu 6th of may...DINGG!!~~ herggggg...TIDAKKKKK!!~~~
mati gue...huhuhuhuhuk!~~~~
most of us (full time math students), xmo la 6th of may tu, coz 4hb n 8 hb ad paper...
tgok my schedule kt ats, 10hb lg satu ad nnti jdnyr, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th of may will be my exam schedule...x ke gler tu??da r ni fisrt exam 4 my master...huhuhuk~~
try talk face to face n negotiate ngan lecturer blik utk tkr tarikh 28/4, xdpt..
me :"dr, sy 4, 8, 10 ad paper...cmna ni??"
lctrr : "alah, xkan x bese time undergraduate hri tu?""
 me :"emm, dulu subjek laen dr, sjrng sume bce2 n nk kne hfl2"
~~air jernih da btakung da kt kelopak mata nih~~
(dlm hati, mmg x bese pun dpt jadual gler mcm nih)
lctrr :: ala, kamu bce je la, xyah hafal...phmkan jer~~

herm, speechless tros..kalo iktkan ati, nk j jwb..."dr, kalo sy bce n x ingt cmna sy nk jwb..mmg la nk kne phm kan...kalo phm x ingt, xley bkn konsep maths pun nk kne sume subjek falsafah2 n facts...
kuar dr kelas, takungan air kt kelopak mte pun da xdpt bthan lg dah....
bcucuran la air mata...='(
tension sesangat...
nk je taw dea nk p wat ap kt phucket tu..da taw jd students, check r dulu jdual exam b4 book ticket aci oii...
kalo 2, 3 org yg ad problem bley la trime dea sorng je wat hal..n rsenyr, bley je kowt tkr trikh tket nk ke Phucket tu...
n yg geram yr, time2 discuss psl date to dea bley wat bodoh n donnow jer...xdak nk say sorry ke ape ke...
rsenyr kalo lecturer xdak tnye psl trikh tu, dea go on je ngan exam schedule on dat date...

ni da second time da aci ni wat hal...hritu projek group, shoul be 3 or 4/group...
project kali ni byk keje sket...cox kne wat soalan test maths...aci tu partner ngan amoi sorng ni...
me ad partner ngan kwn lg sorng, we asked them la, nk combine group, so jd la 4/group...xdak la byk sgt keje...amoi tu cikgu...bley la bg guidance kt ktorng yg bkn cikgu ni...
but, ble ktorng tnye, dea bley wat2 discuss 2 org tu, n xdak kate putus n jwpn pun dr deorng...bley wat bodoh n donnow je jugak...
ske jual ikan btol kan???huhu~~
so nk x nk, t'pakse la berdua je wat keje tuh...

herm, pesal la byk bnde yg menesionkan diri happened...
da x stabil da emosi nih...
da r, xdak mse utk diri sndiri..weekend pon cm weekdays jer... =(

:: sy yg ltey ::